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Najava foruma Adriatic Outdoor Adventure plakat

U okviru projekta „Biciklističke rute za unapređenje prirodne i kulturne baštine Hercegovine i Crne Gore – Cycling Rural“, financiranog od strane Europske unije, u petak  12.03.2021. godine (od 14:00 do 17:00 sati) je planirano održavanje Foruma aktivnog turizma pod nazivom „Adriatic Outdoor Adventure“. Cilj foruma je upoznati predstavnike turističkog sektora s pozitivnim inicijativama zaživjelim na našim prostorima, te predstaviti uspješne priče, dok će u fokusu programa biti razvoj aktivnog turizma u jadranskom zaleđu, na čiju temu će raspravljati međunarodni stručnjaci. Svi zainteresirani će program moći pratiti online, putem Zoom platforme.


14:00 – 14:20    Uvodna obraćanja:


  • Zdenko Ćosić, predsjednik Vlade Županije Zapadnohercegovačke
  • Johann Sattler, šef Delegacije Europske unije u BiH i specijalni predstavnik EU u BiH


14:20 – 15:30    Predstavljanje najuspješnijih inicijativa iz oblasti aktivnog turizma

  • Predstavljanje projekta “Cycling rural” - Ivan Jurilj, ravnatelj Ureda Vlade Županije Zapadnohercegovačke za europske integracije
  • "Tourism Development Promotion” – Madlina Puka, Regional Cooperation Council
  • "Razvoj aktivnog turizma u Jadranskom zaleđu - Adriatic Canyoning" - Ivo Pavković, Grad Široki Brijeg
  • "Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure - T.A.R.A." - Dušan Radojičić, Općina Plužine
  • "Klaster biciklizma u Hercegovini" – Toni Zorić, Biciklistički klub Herzegovinabike
  • "EU4Business" – Projekti EU iz oblasti turizma, Nils Wetzel, voditelj projekta
  • "Via Dinarica", Steliana Nedera, rezidentna predstavnica UNDP-a u BiH
  • Aktivni projekti u Turističkoj organizaciji Herceg Novi - Tonka Tomašević

15:30 – 16:45   Panel diskusija pod nazivom "Jadransko zaleđe kao jedinstvena destinacija održivog turizma"

Sudionici panela:

  • Thomas Bullmann, Outdooractive - najveća europska outdoor platforma (Njemačka)
  • Ed Lancaster, European Cyclist Federation (Belgija)
  • Jack Delf, Agencija Black Mountain Montenegro (Crna Gora)
  • Iva Bencun, Agencija Feral Tours (Hrvatska)

Moderator panela je Nedo Pinezić, turistički savjetnik iz Hrvatske.

16:45 – 17:00    Prezentiranje zaključaka panela

Ukoliko se želite uključiti u program foruma, molimo vas registrirajte se na linku:

Sudjelovanje na forumu je besplatno!

Kroz Strategiju razvitka turizma Županije Zapadnohercegovačke za razdoblje 2020. - 2027. godine, radi se na unaprjeđenju infrastrukture za aktivnosti u prirodi, s naglaskom na biciklističke staze. Organizacija jednoga ovakvoga foruma predstavlja značajan doprinos promidžbi biciklističkih staza u Hercegovini te pomaže pozicioniranju Hercegovine kao poželjne cikloturističke destinacije na  europskim biciklističkim platformama.

Projekt „Biciklističke rute za unapređenje prirodne i kulturne baštine Hercegovine i Crne Gore – Cycling Rural“ je započeo 1.10.2019. a provedba će trajati 18 mjeseci. Ukupna vrijednost je oko 495.000 eura, od čega je Europska unija osigurala 400.000 eura bespovratnih sredstava. Nositelj projekta je Ured Vlade Županije Zapadnohercegovačke za europske integracije, a partneri su gradovi Široki Brijeg i Ljubuški, općine Posušje i Grude, te Turistička organizacija Herceg Novi iz Crne Gore.




Within the project "Cycling routes for the improvement of natural and cultural heritage of Herzegovina and Montenegro - Cycling Rural", funded by the European Union, the Forum of Active Tourism called "Adriatic Outdoor Adventure" is planned to take place on Friday, March 12, 2021 (from 14:00 to 17:00). The aim of the forum is to acquaint the representatives of the tourism sector with the positive initiatives that have been taking root in our area, and to present success stories. International experts will discuss the development of active tourism in the Adriatic hinterland.

All those wishing to participate will be able to follow the program online, via the Zoom platform with the possibility of simultaneous translation into local or English.


14:00 - 14:20 Introductory speeches:

- Zdenko Ćosić, Prime Minister of the West Herzegovina Canton

- Johann Sattler, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to BiH and EU Special Representative in BiH

14:20 - 15:30 Presentation of the most successful initiatives in the field of active tourism

- Presentation of the project “Cycling rural” - Ivan Jurilj, Director of the Office of the Government of the West Herzegovina Canton for European Integration

- “Tourism Development Promotion” - Madlina Puka, Regional Cooperation Council

- "Development of active tourism in the Adriatic hinterland - Adriatic Canyoning" - Ivo Pavković, City of Široki Brijeg

- "Tourism, Adrenaline and Rafting Adventure - T.A.R.A." - Dušan Radojičić, Municipality of Plužine

- "Cycling Cluster in Herzegovina" - Toni Zorić, Cycling Club Herzegovinabike

- "EU4Business" - EU tourism projects, Nils Wetzel, project manager

- "Via Dinarica", Steliana Nedera, UNDP Resident Representative in BiH

- Active projects in the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi, Tonka Tomašević

15:30 - 16:45 Panel discussion on "The Adriatic hinterland as a unique destination for sustainable tourism"

Panel participants:

- Thomas Bullmann, Outdooractive - Europe's largest outdoor platform (Germany)

- Ed Lancaster, European Cyclist Federation (Belgium)

- Jack Delf, Black Mountain Montenegro Agency (Montenegro)

- Iva Bencun, Feral Tours Agency (Croatia)

The panel is moderated by Nedo Pinezić, a tourist advisor from Croatia.

16:45 - 17:00 Presentation of the conclusions of the panel

If you want to join the forum program, please register at the link:


Participation in the forum is free!

Through the Tourism Development Strategy of the West Herzegovina Canton for the period 2020-2027, work is being done on improving the infrastructure for outdoor activities, with an emphasis on bicycle paths. The organization of such a forum represents a significant contribution to the promotion of bicycle paths in Herzegovina and helps to position Herzegovina as a desirable cycling tourist destination on European cycling platforms.

The project "Cycling routes for the improvement of natural and cultural heritage of Herzegovina and Montenegro - Cycling Rural" started on October 1, 2019. and implementation will take 18 months. The total value is around 495,000 euros, of which the European Union has provided 400,000 euros in grants. The project holder is the Office of the Government of the West Herzegovina Canton for European Integration, and the partners are the cities of Široki Brijeg and Ljubuški, the municipalities of Posušje and Grude, and the Tourist Organization of Herceg Novi from Montenegro.

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